Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Aerobics and Dancing... Of the Devil?

Jun 27,2005

Yesterday the 27th a large majority of our group went over to Dollie, Heather and Lauryn's place to celebrate Catlin's 21st Birthday. After a grand potluck, fine cuisine and always great icecream we went cosmic bowling. Now, I will be frank with you, bowling is not something that I specialize in. In fact you could honestly say, without hurting my feelings, that I just don't have that special roll-the-ball-down-the-aisle touch. As a result of such lack of granduer for bowling I ended up getting the lowest score out a total of 20 some people. Oh, you think that is bad... it gets worse. Yeap! To top it off I come to find out that the loser... instead of writhing in losingness (if that were a word) gets to dance in front of the whole group to demonstrate... that yes indeed there is something glorious about this not-so-good bowler.

The song lasted forever and I admit I swayed my hips, moved my arms in a hopefully not to arousing manner. What I didn't realize is that I didn't have to do it for the whole song... yep I sure am gullible and did it for the whole song. I guess you could say it is my blessing in disguise for I had mentioned earlier that evening to my friend Chris that I really wanted to dance. Next time however... I hope to be a little more cautious about mentioning my desires.

Jun 28, 2005

Today was a blast I did a wonderful activity with my boys. I really love to call them my boys even though the only relation I have with them is being their professor. Anyhow, this is what we did... or rather what they did. I had two boys sit on the floor with a pack of crayons in front of each of them. The objective was that one boy would arrange the crayons in a desired manner and then he had to descirbe to the other boy the arrangement. The point was to get the same layout of crayons as his partner. This was fun and frustrating to see the boys work together, explain in english questions, arrangements, understanding.

I love my boys I am not sure why. But I certainly glad that they are in my class... the truth is we all learn a lot from one another. They challenge me... and I in turn challenge them. It isn't so much that we are trying to push each other to the bitter end... sometimes yes... most of the time no. But rather they are always teaching me new things, ideas, techniques. I don't know if they know this but I love it!

After school was complete I had planned to go the Green - a vegitarian eatery on Soi 71 - but was interuppted when some lady that works at EIS called out to me, " Renee! Renee! Where are you going?" To eat... would you like to come watch or do aerobics with me. I love and need to exercise so I said yes - thank you. I ended up attempting and not doing to bad at aerobics (although now I am feeling the effects - by bum is slightly sore). Afterwards we walked to an outdoor 'grocery mart' and I bought some yummy veggies and fruits. About this time it began to pour... and pour and pour. I loved the sights of the 'market' - live fish still trying their hardest to breath, an assortment of unidentifiable organs, unique fruits, umbrellas being pounded down by the rain and small puddles beginning to form under my feet.

When I returned home I went to Jamie, Marlane and Abri's home to cook dinner because in my apartment we don't have stove or cooking utensils. The dinner was great. I sautaed some eggplant, green onions and mushrooms and them made a rice soup with cilantro, lemongrass and some leafy thing your not suppose to eat... oh yeah and of course a couple of chillies. It was so yummy! And I am sooo happy I got to cook.

Oh I must remember if my roomate doesn't wake up .. wake her up at 7. You see this would be a good thing to do because it is not very good to wake up at 7:25 when you have to be at work at 7:30. Yeah... so I help her... I am just intimidated by cranky sleepy people. You know them!


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