Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Dear Precious Family,

This weekend was truly refreshing. I went to Bongti to my 'home' at the Bamboo School. Most of the children (Karen hilltribe) are gone this weekend because it is a holiday and was their school break. They are either at their parents, working or out at a youth camp in Bangkok. Yet with the kids left I am still reminded of my love for these children.

On Sabbath I went with Momo (the lady in charge) to the hospital in Sai Yok and visited some of her children. Lay-wa-too and Dang - it was suspected that they might have Bird Flu but instead they have been diagnosed as having Dungue Fever. I sat on the edge of the boys' beds and tickled them, played silly imaginary games and sang to them some special God songs. Momo told me that when I sang the whole ward listened and even the Doctor postponed his rounds so all the patients could focus. It was, I think, healing for us all. It was amazing to see the boys' countenance change. They were either restless, tense, in pain but as I sang I saw them relax and almost cry.

It is my home. Here in Bonti Baan Farang Rongre-in I have ~71 brothers and sisters. I love to play with them, worship with them, bath in the lake with them. So most of the time I stayed while my other friends who came for a visit toured around. It would have been fun but I wasn't there for that. Momo said it was my home and so at home I rest. I think it is ironic but it makes me smile that I leave school in Bangkok to go to another school elsewhere - I can't have enough of children. I love them. It is also a blessing here because I get hugs, kisses, tickles - touch. I can't do this at Ekamai. I am reminded that I am clean, wanted.

Teacher or auntie or just plain Renee has a song here now. I have begun to teach the kids the song, "Here I am to Worship". It has now been dubbed as "Renee's Song". So not only is it my home I am recognized as a part of my home by my brothers and sisters. I like that. Sometimes I worry about my home in America. The changes that are happening. I miss mom and Nina. I worry about Nina. Momo helped me remember and challenged me to write you a letter Nina and Isaiah. So it'll happen hopefully sometime in the near future and come to you.

Jesus all in all continues to bless me. I don't always know it or know how to thank Him. I think He is madly in love with me and can't wait to have me love Him in the same way. I am learning what it means... sometimes I pull a Gomer - like Hosea's wife I run back to the familiar, what appears 'normal' and 'safe'. When all a long God desires to protect and nuture me.I love is persistent love. I need it. I love each of you.


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