Thursday, March 09, 2006

A Letter to My 'Peeps'

Dear Peeps,

I don’t really talk like that! Anyhow, I just wanted to share some things with you ladies and gentlemen because I realize I have done a terrible job at keeping in touch. First of all I’ve reached my nine month mark… nope! I am not pregnant and giving birth to a baby! No, I’ve been here for nine months and I’m excited about that. I still love Thailand but love means pushing on through thick and thin (I love idioms). I really appreciated receiving the sermon CDs- especially the one about the greatest love letter of all (Jesus). London made me realize something that hadn’t occurred to me. Daniel and Joseph served God even though they were in a foreign land. When I walk the streets of Bangkok… I can now relate to these men better. When they first arrived they probably didn’t know the language, the customs, the taboos, how ingrained culture and religion were in everyday life – like myself! It gives me relief from the burdens I often struggle with considering these issues.

Sometimes I wonder – quite often I wonder – what difference am I making here at Ekamai. I am not organized (and therefore don’t plan ahead well), I am not a pastor or saint (though one student likes to say I’m a pope), I am not even a trained educator. Yet my best qualification is that God’s called me and said, “…He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus (Philippians 1:6).” Before I left Walla Walla I questioned this and approached Dr. Paul Dybdahl in tears with all of my fears. One thing he asked me was “If I were to say one thing to you that would help what would it be?” I then replied, Renee, God is excited about your going overseas. It is His desire and wants for you to be excited too. Bad will happen but even so you will make a difference. Wow! I have to look back and recall what he has done and grin because I know that He is up to no good. I say that because I think God is mischievous, up to no good, after all he made mischievous boys who grin at you when they are about to do something ‘bad’. So I find that God reminds me I am not useless and my value’s not based on my cans or cannots but who I am.

Now I am ashamed to say I haven’t learned much Thai. I work at an international school were we’re suppose to speak English only… that’s my excuse anyhow. Please don’t listen to Howard Vandermark’s great Thai… he puts me to shame! “Sawadee Ka (Hello),” “Khap khun ka (Thanks),” and “Mai bpen rai (No problem)” are some of what I attempt but I will say that my English is becoming more and more broken. Is that something to be proud of? Not really! Even so some things irk me and make me smile. For example erasers are called rubbers – for me the slang refers to condoms. They use the word ‘banged’ instead of hit. So, I banged the car, instead of, I hit the car. Another one is the over use of “Of course”. It annoys the heck out of me! Lastly, the kids refer to faculty and staff as “Ma’am” and “Sir”. But the sir is said with a rising tone so it is whiny… the irony of it all is I no doubt look like a fool when I use my ‘big’ English vocabulary or my limited Thai! Mai bpen rai (never mind!)!

Want a funny story? It made me laugh anyhow. Currently, the High School students are having mock elections and are advertising around campus. Well there is this one poster with a woman body builder (nasty muscled woman!) with a picture of a student’s face superimposed on it. Well, the 2nd graders don’t know her and quickly pointed their fingers in my direction. “Ma’am Renee, we saw your picture up!” What I thought to me… and then with their help it dawned on me, they though it was me – that body builder honey! I was mortified… I am NOT that built! I like lifting weights but having more muscle that a man… eww! Besides many of the men are dwarfs here in comparison to me… whereas back home I’m average height. So I don’t know if you laughed but it certainly made me smile because I don’t get mistaken for a body builder everyday.

In my apartment I have decorated with student’s drawings and paintings… here is a couple of pieces from my ‘gallery’.

Thanks so much.



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