Monday, May 08, 2006

Mad Dog

If you have ever walked the streets of Bangkok (or Thailand for that matter) you would noticed there is a high population of dogs. Mangy, dirty dogs. I'm not much of a dog lover so I notice these creatures with somewhat of disgust. Yet it is they who have taught me some incredible lessons - one which I will share with you.

On one of the nearby sois there is this dog that is 'vicsious'. My friends are scared of it because when they go jogging by it barks and attempts to nip/bite at their ankles. I have been forwarned to always carry a rock or pretend to carry something that I can throw at this dog when I walk by. Well one night I walked home down this soi and at first had no worries of 'mad dog' (that's what I'll call 'him'). Then he jumped out (from where?) and began growling lowly and approached me aggresively. Instead of running I slowed to a stop, lowered my hand with my palm in the air and let 'mad dog' smell me. After realizing I wasn't so threatening after all I was able to pet this dog.

I've continued to do this with this 'pup'. And no I wouldn't reccomend doing this with all/any of the dogs here but it just taught me something incredible. Many times I look at other people as threatening, they have a rough exterior. Perhaps it is because of their dress, attitude, whatever... so I do things that will protect myself from being harmed by them (like picking up a rock to throw at a dog). What I don't realize is if I give them an oppertunity to prove me wrong I may miss out on a valuable friendship... I may never see past a rough exterior to a really great person. I've had to recall this 'mad dog' many times in my interaction with my co-workers and the students that I work for... so this encounter's been worth it.

So next time you meet 'mad dog'... realize that the bark and bite may just be a facade. Additionally, even if it isn't people, creatures are worthy of the love that God has instilled in us. After all, where would we be if God hadn't taken the risk to love us in spite of our bark and bite?


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