Tuesday, August 08, 2006

In the States

Okay, I'm 'home' back in the good old US of A. I do like some of familiarity of it. I understand most of the language (that's a major one). But then there is also that nagging dread of reverse culture shock and yes I have my beginning tastes of it.

Even landing in PDX via SEA I noticed something perculair about Americans. Obesity! Now I'm not saying Thai's aren't obese but whoa! Americans, everybodys', got a belly. Okay so that's a generalization. Not EVERYBODY... but many people, yes.

That's just the beginning. I noticed people actually stopping when I cross the road (pedestrian right of way - nonexistent in Thailand (another generalization)), road rage, large serving sizes, oh and I forgot... the 'freezing' weather (70 degrees). There are other things that've made me break down and cry. Today I visited a friend that I hadn't seen in more than a year and saw how much their son had grown. On top of that with these friends we sang some songs that reminded me of worshiping with the kids at the Bamboo School and or Week of Prayer at Ekamai. Yeah, I had to make a quick run to the bathroom to sob. I don't know how to explain my reactions... it is slightly embarassing in that here, where I am physically, there are not that many people that can understand what I'm going through.

My heart is aching a bit right now but life is good. I've gotten to visit with my sister, my brother in law and my little new neice. She is sooo cute and bouncy. I find myself renewing my love with each of them. This last weekend when we visited together. Mom, Isaiah and I went on a 'canoe trip'. IT really wasn't too much of a trip. Isaiah and I tipped the canoe twice and realized that we couldn't go on for a number of reasons.

1.) I'm an inexperienced canoist (?),
2.) there were many rapids, and therefore rocks and
3.) there were going to be some narrow, fast rowing that the canoe couldn't have done.

So the second time we bailed we managed to get our 3ft-under-the-water floating canoe 'totted' to shore. After unbailing the water we contemplated how and what to do next. My shoes and a life jacket had floated away. So after 'much' contemplation the decision was made - paddle, quickly, straight across the river to the other side. We did just that. Then our next decision was to 'tot' the canoe and kayak up a pretty steep hill (mind you it was no boat ramp that was for sure). Anyhow the whole ordeal was pretty awesome and quite an adrenaline rush. I liked it... but I don't want to do it again anytime soon. It brought mom, Isaiah and I together... good bonding for sure!



At 12:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Renee! This is your predecessor in the EIS chaplaincy, and thankfully I stumbled across your blog by searching for EIS, because I have a funny story to tell you. We just got back from a brief return trip to Thailand, and just before we left, we got a letter from the WWC SM office. Apparently they had just discovered some old mail that never got sent out, and included in it was a letter that you sent to us shortly after we saw you at the Karen orphanage a year and a half or so ago. Anyway, we both felt really bad, because the SM office was obviously delivering it a bit late, and here you probably thought we totally ignored you. So anyway, my apologies -- we weren't ignoring your letter, we just never got it until a couple weeks ago! Judging by your blog, it sounds like your time in Thailand went really well. Hope you're adjusting to life back in the states!


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