Monday, January 08, 2007

Alex and the Bubbles

Yesterday (actually Saturday) I went to the park to hangout with God and blow bubbles. When I arrived a little boy and his mom arrived too. I went by the creek, sat down and began to blow bubbles when I heard, "Look mom! Someone else is here!"

He slid down the slide and did a waddling run over to where I was. Looking rather mischevious (him not me!) he made sure I saw him and stood off to the side but in front of me. I immediately liked this little boy. I continued blowing bubles, how with a huge grin on my face. He turned around, "Do you know who I am?!"

I smiled, "No, who are you?"

"I'm Alex!"

I proceeded to continue the conversation and told him mine and then how old he was. As I continued blowing bubbles he went and ran with them, in tehm and attempting to pop every single one. He was so estatic, it was awesome. Really awe-inspiring! As he did so he was so tickled by the bubble and having fun in them he giggled the whole time.

Later on we went by the duck pond in the park, there he told me how the place used to be a road with cars and trucks. You might be able to say so because the signs where in the pond (unless of course you could read). He told me also, that if you where to dig in the water and mud you'd find the cars and trucks that used to drive there.

My being so focused on career training - college - I guessed that he could be a scientist in Biology or an archologist.

This boy was great he reminded me why God says, "I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven (Mat. 18:3)." I was reminded through my Philosophy of Speciation that God created everything. And I personally believe that he desires us, me, to take joy in His creation and his commands... to view them in such a manner that like little Alex.. I'm so excited, ecstatic about Him and what He's done for me. It was truly an incredible experience.


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