Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Christmas Break

Here I am in Arizona. School's first quarter is over... I made it through, more than made it through. I was pretty frightened that I wouldn't be able to get back into the 'swing' of the school routine. Even so it hasn't been easy all to often I miss Thailand, kids and hot weather.

This time last year I was at the Bamboo School singing happy birthday on Christmas to a friend. But then that was last year. What memories will I make this year... this remains a mystery.

I'ver really enjoyed my classes and my professors have been wonderful... American humor! Hurrah for it... something I understand a bit of. Grade-wise pretty good, okay, not shabby at all.

Catching up on my friends and family's life hasn't been easy and much of it I don't understand - sometimes it down right scares me. But with this I've realized how important it has been and is to 'put peple in God's control'. IT sounds so cliche but I believe it now.

Hmmm, a story.
With the heightened security flying here in the US makes me feel like a cow. Going through stalls, taking my shoes off, declaring no areosols, liquids, whatever; if someone is a writer I believe this scenario, almovng others would make an excellent work of satire. Hmm, maybe something to do when I'm not doing anything.


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