Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Letter to Mo

I'm back in Walla Walla. It is so intimidating being here... I get so caught up in fear of how things have changed since I've been here. Yesterday I really struggled with a bought of reverse culture shock, homesickness and intimidation. Little things made me cry... let me explain. My mom drove me down here with the intention of leaving my stuff. So she'd have less stuff to haul down to Arizona (she's doing so at the end of this week). I got to thinking, which is a terribly dangerous thing to do, why doesn't she just leave me here. Our original plans had changed so I wasn't needed to help out in driving. So here I am at Walla Walla. Living in a small studio but it's got a pretty good kitchenette so I shouldn't complain. I cried when my mom left and it took three or so times of hugging and crying before she actually left. After that I began to unpack and put together a bed mom bought and every little thing about Thailand made me cry. I picked up Sai's scarf that she gave me and cried, I looked at the year book from Ekamai and cried, I looked at a candle Apisit carved for me ... yeap and cried. Yet even so, God is so wonderful to me he provided many familiar faces to which I could talk and bodies to hug. He doesn't abandon me. I hope you are doing well, getting a little sleep and finding many reasons to laugh. I miss you terribly and just when I think I've acclimated back into America's life I find another reason to be homesick. Goodness I can't wait till Jesus comes.

Ya Eh Nah Pado.
Long-nosed, white- Karen

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Hong Naams - Toilets

Yesterday mom and I had a grand adventure we replaced the toilet in our bathroom... it was a 'weeny' plastic toilet! I was soo excited for some reason toilets are pretty awesome. I discovered that although my mom could do it it is probably not in her future to be a plumber in the future... although I was trying to convince otherwise! We discovered the secrets of removing the old toilet, cleaning out the sewage tank and placing in a new one. Before I left Thailand I was helping make some bathrooms and so now when I sit on the 'throne' I can reminece about those awesome toilet times. It is nice to have a new toilet in so we don't have to 'run' out to the toilet across the way... it's cold! Still haven't gotten use to sitting on cold toilet seats but I'm acclimating ever so slowly. Strange to admit but I do miss the squat pots! I tried to describe what a squat pot looked like and how to use it but I guess one has to try it out for themselves to understand fully! As with many things in life!

Thursday, August 10, 2006


At the present it is easy to notice the American-ness of Americans. Things we would never consider as unacceptable in another culture. Today I was sitting across someone whose feet were pointed at other people. IT bothered me. At first I couldn't figure it out, why is their body position/language annoying me so much? Then I remembered, in Thai culture it is rude to point your feet. For one's feet are the lowest point of the body and if pointed to the head (the highest/holiest) is a true insult.

Also at the present whenever I read an email from a friend that I met in Thailand I ball. Goodness I miss the Land of Smiles.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

In the States

Okay, I'm 'home' back in the good old US of A. I do like some of familiarity of it. I understand most of the language (that's a major one). But then there is also that nagging dread of reverse culture shock and yes I have my beginning tastes of it.

Even landing in PDX via SEA I noticed something perculair about Americans. Obesity! Now I'm not saying Thai's aren't obese but whoa! Americans, everybodys', got a belly. Okay so that's a generalization. Not EVERYBODY... but many people, yes.

That's just the beginning. I noticed people actually stopping when I cross the road (pedestrian right of way - nonexistent in Thailand (another generalization)), road rage, large serving sizes, oh and I forgot... the 'freezing' weather (70 degrees). There are other things that've made me break down and cry. Today I visited a friend that I hadn't seen in more than a year and saw how much their son had grown. On top of that with these friends we sang some songs that reminded me of worshiping with the kids at the Bamboo School and or Week of Prayer at Ekamai. Yeah, I had to make a quick run to the bathroom to sob. I don't know how to explain my reactions... it is slightly embarassing in that here, where I am physically, there are not that many people that can understand what I'm going through.

My heart is aching a bit right now but life is good. I've gotten to visit with my sister, my brother in law and my little new neice. She is sooo cute and bouncy. I find myself renewing my love with each of them. This last weekend when we visited together. Mom, Isaiah and I went on a 'canoe trip'. IT really wasn't too much of a trip. Isaiah and I tipped the canoe twice and realized that we couldn't go on for a number of reasons.

1.) I'm an inexperienced canoist (?),
2.) there were many rapids, and therefore rocks and
3.) there were going to be some narrow, fast rowing that the canoe couldn't have done.

So the second time we bailed we managed to get our 3ft-under-the-water floating canoe 'totted' to shore. After unbailing the water we contemplated how and what to do next. My shoes and a life jacket had floated away. So after 'much' contemplation the decision was made - paddle, quickly, straight across the river to the other side. We did just that. Then our next decision was to 'tot' the canoe and kayak up a pretty steep hill (mind you it was no boat ramp that was for sure). Anyhow the whole ordeal was pretty awesome and quite an adrenaline rush. I liked it... but I don't want to do it again anytime soon. It brought mom, Isaiah and I together... good bonding for sure!